Title: New insert in history section Date: 23/01/2010
After long time of apparent inactivity we met Mr. Erminio Piazza. In the special section "history" you will find a short narrative and some more photos. In the next we update history section with the partnership between Castelli Company and Geloso Company. Good Navigation
Title: Updated ASSISTANCE section Date: 30/08/2008
Only for Italy and in the Italian language section, we have updated the ASSISTENZA section. In this section there are many e-mail addresses of Italian partners that can answer you questions and repair various types of Geloso and Not Geloso radio.
Title: New pictures uploaded today Date: 30/08/2008
Today we have uploaded a NEW serie of unpublished pictures in the "fotogallery" section . These are only some of the many; soon we will publish the other ones. Enjoy them.
Title: Meeting Franco Anafrini Date: 26/08/2008
Last month we met Franco Anafrini, one of the most important Geloso's technician. Today morning we published his history in the same section, for all interested people.
Title: New unpublished Pictures..!!! Date: 01/07/2007
We insert today in "fotogallery" section a series of unpublished pictures that Ing. Velicogna give us. We thanks much he for this rarity pictures.
Title: Meeting with Ing. Velicogna Date: 26/06/2007
In italian section we have insered a new link to the history of Ing. Velicogna. Next the english translate.
Title: Assistance, only for Italy Date: 05/06/2007
Today We have opened in Italian section a new topic ASSISTANCE only for italy
We hope that in the future is possible open a section in English section for the rest of the world although is more difficult.
Title: Show room - magnetic recording Date: 01/05/2007
Sunday 13 May 2007, in occasion of the mother's party, we hold in Pozzo d'adda in gymnasium near the Municipality a small exhibition of a Geloso recorders and other recorders series. Besides this will be present also period of movement of exhibitions, old carriages of and old occupations.
Title: The video stories made by the founders of the site Date: 11/04/2007
Now online in new "Video" section the video hystory of Geloso and her founder John told by the site founders. Good Vision..
Title: New English Section Date: 04/01/2007
Today have been added in the new English version of the web site the history of Geloso, of its founder and of Pippo Fontana. We take the occasion to thank for the precious contribution of Silvia Balconi and Silvia Bonanomi who worked on the English version of the text...heartfelt thanks!

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